"Even when you’d lost everything you thought there was to lose, somebody came along and gave you something for free.The below gifts were my instant soul lifters this year,and I am loving it! "
iXiGO is a global travel search engine. They search 150+ travel sites to find the best flight, hotel deals.
Their mission: to aggregate travel information and make it searchable and useful.
Their passion: technology that brings speed, usability and transparency to the travel world.
Globally Yours or Mine? :)Gift from Turkish Airlines at my home
Turkish Airlines, one of the most preferred leading European air carrier with global network coverage thanks to its strict compliance with flight safety, reliability, product line, service quality and competitiveness while maintaining its identity as the flag carrier of Turkey
Kobe vs Messi: Legends on Board - Turkish Airlines
Skytrax, a traveler website based in the UK, rated Turkish Airlines Europe’s best for 2011.
Small colorful cute purse
KTO or Korea Tourism Organisation @ SATTE 2013
KTO or Korea Tourism Organisation @ SATTE 2013
Following its miraculous development over the last 50 years, Korea is now a modernized vibrant nation that still maintains its traditional culture.
Gifts from Turkey @ SATTE 2013
The Lucky Eye or Evil Eye bead is an amulet that Turkish people believe it protects against the Evil Eye.The Evil Eye amulet is very typical in Turkey: can be seen hanging above doorways, or hanging from the rear-view mirrors of cars, or hanging around someone's neck, and especially pinned to the shirts of newborn babies.
Wedged between the Western Ghats on the East and the Arabian Sea on the West, the narrow strip of land known as Kerala is a destination of a lifetime.
The cultural heritage of Orissa too finds echo in its myriad vibrant art forms.With a history older than that of India and a culture that kept on evolving as the land passed from the rule of one ruler to other,Orissa's art and craft show as much variety and color as its past.
Colorful Poster @Thomas Cook All India Channel Partner Meet 2012
Thomas Cook is the world's best-known name in travel, all thanks to the inspiration of one single man. In 1841, young Thomas Cook arranged an 11-mile train journey for a motley group of passengers from Leicester to Loughborough. And it marked the beginning of a chapter in history. He went on to introduce a railway tour of Europe. But it wasn't until the early 1860s that he began the travel firm, Thomas Cook & Son, which included tours of the USA. The Company also started operations for military transport and postal services for England and Egypt during the 1880s. The world got around and by the early 1900s, the who's who of the era - kings, politicians, bishops and professors - patronised Thomas Cook's travel itinerary.
Among the various other gifts,love this one the most from Ixigo

Thrifted @ Delhi ,featured on Wooplr
Wooplr is a social discovery & shopping web site.
Wooplr helps you discover things you like, & find what is trending around you, based on your tastes & preferences. Wooplr also provides recommendations & suggestions from your friends and the community on products, services and brands you love the most. There are loads of perks too. Get rewarded for stepping out and sharing your experiences on Wooplr. And it comes with bragging rights and lots of rewards!
Wooplr is a Bangalore based startup founded in 2011.
SATTE 2013 Coverage

Thomas Cook is the world's best-known name in travel, all thanks to the inspiration of one single man. In 1841, young Thomas Cook arranged an 11-mile train journey for a motley group of passengers from Leicester to Loughborough. And it marked the beginning of a chapter in history. He went on to introduce a railway tour of Europe. But it wasn't until the early 1860s that he began the travel firm, Thomas Cook & Son, which included tours of the USA. The Company also started operations for military transport and postal services for England and Egypt during the 1880s. The world got around and by the early 1900s, the who's who of the era - kings, politicians, bishops and professors - patronised Thomas Cook's travel itinerary.
Wooplr is a social discovery & shopping web site.
Wooplr helps you discover things you like, & find what is trending around you, based on your tastes & preferences. Wooplr also provides recommendations & suggestions from your friends and the community on products, services and brands you love the most. There are loads of perks too. Get rewarded for stepping out and sharing your experiences on Wooplr. And it comes with bragging rights and lots of rewards!
Wooplr is a Bangalore based startup founded in 2011.
SATTE 2013 Coverage

awesome Trip Ankita such a nice and interesting information